الهيكل العام لبرنامج بكالوريوس علوم الحاسب

يتكون الهيكل العام لبرنامج بكالوريوس علوم الحاسب من ثلاث مجموعات من المقررات مجموعها (138) ساعة معتمدة في تخصص علوم الحاسب ، وتمثل هذه المجموعات الأركان الأساسية للبرنامج التى تتكامل في تأهيل الطالب بالمهارات والمعارف المطلوبة للتخصص المختار. . وذلك مع تطبيق نظام الساعات المعتمدة للبرنامج ككل وتوزيعها على المقررات الدراسية. وفيما يلي جدول توضيحي لهيكل البرنامج.

تخصص علوم حاسب

متطلبات عامة (60 ساعة معتمدة)

كود المادة المقرر عدد الساعات إجمالي الساعات المعتمدة المتطلبات السابقة
نظري عملي/تطبيقي
1153 رياضيات (1) 2 2 4 3 -
1154 فيزياء 2 2 4 3 -
1155 تراكيب محددة 2 2 4 3 -
1156 حزم البرامج 2 2 4 3 -
1253 مقدمة الحاسبات وتطبيقاتها 2 2 4 3 -
1254 رياضيات (2) 2 2 4 3 1153
1255 الكترونيات 2 2 4 3 -
1256 البرمجة الهيكلية 2 2 4 3 -
2151 رياضيات (3) 2 2 4 3 1254
2152 هياكل البيانات 2 2 4 3 1253
2153 البرمجة الشيئية 2 2 4 3 1256
2154 تصميم منطقي 2 2 4 3 1255
2156 نظم التشغيل 2 2 4 3 1256
2251 نظم قواعد البيانات 2 2 4 3 1156
2252 تنظيم الملفات ومعالجتها 2 2 4 3 1256
2253 التحليل العددي 2 2 4 3 2151
2254 تنظيم الحاسبات ولغة التجميع 2 2 4 3 1255
2255 النمذجة والمحاكاة 2 2 4 3 -
3152 تحليل النظم 2 2 4 3 2251
3153 إحصاء واحتمالات 2 2 4 3 -

المتطلبات التخصصية (57 ساعة معتمدة)

1-المقررات التخصصية الإجبارية (30 ساعة معتمدة)

كود المادة المقرر عدد الساعات إجمالي الساعات المعتمدة المتطلبات السابقة
نظري عملي/تطبيقي
2256 هندسة برمجيات (1) 2 2 4 3 1256
3154 واجهات الحاسبات 2 2 4 3 2154
3251 شبكات الحاسبات 2 2 4 3 1253
3252 الرسم بالحاسب 2 2 4 3 2156
3253 البرمجة المنطقية 2 2 4 3 2153
3254 تصميم النظم 2 2 4 3 2251
4151 الذكاء الأصطناعي 2 2 4 3 3253
4152 برمجة الشبكات 2 2 4 3 3154
4153 مشروع تخرج (1) 1 4 5 3 3254
4253 مشروع تخرج (2) 1 4 5 3 3254

2-المقررات التخصصية أختيارية (9 ساعات معتمدة)

كود المادة المقرر عدد الساعات إجمالي الساعات المعتمدة المتطلبات السابقة
نظري عملي/تطبيقي
3155 إدارة مراكز المعلومات 2 2 4 3 2156
3156 تعليم الحاسبات 2 2 4 3 2256
3157 المترجمات 2 2 4 3 2153
4254 مفاهيم لغات الحاسب 2 2 4 3 2153
4255 نظم قواعد المعرفة 2 2 4 3 3152
4256 سرية المعلومات والشبكات 2 2 4 3 3251
4257 تعريب الحاسب 2 2 4 3 3157

2-المقررات التخصصية المساندة (18 ساعة معتمدة)

1-المقررات الاجبارية (12 ساعة معتمدة)

كود المادة المقرر عدد الساعات إجمالي الساعات المعتمدة المتطلبات السابقة
نظري عملي/تطبيقي
2155 الخوارزميات وخرائط التدفق 2 2 4 3 1253
4154 هندسة البرمجيات (2) 2 2 4 3 2256
4253 الوسائط المتعددة 2 2 4 3 2156
4254 النظم الخبيرة 2 2 4 3 3253

ب. المقررات المساندة الاختيارية (6 ساعات معتمدة)

كود المادة المقرر عدد الساعات إجمالي الساعات المعتمدة المتطلبات السابقة
نظري عملي/تطبيقي
3255 تكنولوجيا الانترنت 2 2 4 3 2156
3256 الواقع الأفتراضي 2 2 4 3 2156
4155 نظم دعم القرار 2 2 4 3 3152
4156 معالجة الكلام 2 2 4 3 1256

المقررات التخصصية الإختيارية (حرة) 6 ساعات معتمدة

كود المادة المقرر عدد الساعات إجمالي الساعات المعتمدة المتطلبات السابقة
نظري عملي/تطبيقي
3158 ادارة المشروعات 2 2 4 3 2156
3159 المعالجة على التوازي 2 2 4 3 2153
3257 معالجة الاشارات الرقمية 2 2 4 3 2151
3258 موضوعات مختارة في شبكات الحاسب 2 2 4 3 -

يدرس فيه الطالب عدد 2 مقرر من المقررات الأختيارية

الخطة الدراسية

المستوى الاول المستوى الثاني المستوى التالت المستوى الرابع
الفصل الاول الفصل الثاني الفصل الاول الفصل الثاني الفصل الاول الفصل الثاني الفصل الاول الفصل الثاني
1101 1201 2151 2251 3101 3251 4151 4251
1102 1202 2152 2252 3152 3252 4152 4252
1153 1253 2153 2253 3153 3253 4153 4253
1154 1254 2154 2254 3154 3254 4154 يختار 2 مقرر
1155 1255 2155 2255 يختار مقرر واحد يختار مقرر واحد يختار مقرر واحد 4254
1156 1256 2156 2256 3155 3255 4155 4255
3156 3256 4156 4256
3157 يختار مقرر واحد 4257
يختار مقرر واحد 3257
3158 3258

1101 – لغة أنجليزية ( 1 ) :

Introduction on communication skills of English Language “Listening and Understanding, Speaking, Reading and Writing” Grammar:-
• Present simple tense.
• Past simple tense.
• Negative.
• Question tag.
• Present perfect tense.
• Active and passive.

• Wishes and regrets.
• Like, prefer and rather.
• Situations.

-- Comprehension passages.
-- Translation texts from English and Arabic and vice versa
-- Writing:
* Writing paragraphs and friendly letters.

Terminology topics
• What is meant by “Management”
• What is meant by “Planning”

Phrasal verbs (look, get)

Listening activity
Using audible programmes (Dialogues, passages, comments) on computer labs

1103 – لغة أنجليزية ( 2 ) ( مصطلحات ) :

Teaching English expressions through situations. Listening and understanding: Playing conversations on lap top using loud speakers then comprehension exercises to emphasize the skill of understanding and speaking Grammar: • Reported Speech • Conditional (If) • Present perfect continuous. • Past perfect • Past continuous • Causative • Phrasal verbs (take, put) Terminology topics:- • What is meant by (Organisation) • The process of Control • Negotiation and its importance • Computer idioms and terminology. • Marketing and Purchasing System Writing: How to write a business letter. How to write a memo. Speaking (Telephone Tips)

 مفهوم و مجالات و خصائص القانون  تقسيمات و خصائص القواعد القانونية  مصادر القانون  مفهوم و أركان الحق و تقسيماته  الشخصية و مميزاتها مفهوم و أركان الحق و شروطه  أثار فسخ العقود

1- Function and limits Functions and their graph – operation of the functions – trigonometric functions – Introduction to limits – Limit theorems – Continuity of functions. 2- The Derivative The derivative – Rule for Finding the derivatives – Derivatives of trigonometric – Functions and Inverse of trigonometric functions – The chain rule – Leibniz theorem – Higher order derivatives – Implicit differentiation. 3- Application of the Derivative Maxima and Minima – Monotonic and Concavity – Local Maxima and Minima. 4- The Integral Anti-Derivatives – Differentials and approximations – Introduction to differential equations – Integration by substitution – some trigonometric integrals – Integration by parts. 5- Application of the Integral The area of plane region – volumes.


Basic ideas; Electrostatics; Columb slaw; Gauss law; Potential; Capacitors; Electric current; Resistors; Kirchhoff,s law, Magnetic field and forces; Induction and inductors; Basic circuit theory and circuit analysis; Fundamentals of three phase circuits and transformers

Discrete Structures

Sets, sequences, algorithms and pseudocode, induction and recursion. Relations and functions. Graphs, trees, posets, Lattices, and Boolean Algebra. Semi groups and groups.

Computer Packages

Hands for training on computer packages such as spread sheet. data base power point, internet Browser, '" etc.

Introduction to Computers
مقدمة في الحاسبات

Introduction to computer and information systems. Types of computers. Computer hardware and software components, Data representation and number systems. Introduction to networking, Introduction to internet, hardware and software components for internet access. Algorithm development, algorithm representation,. problem solving tools, Introduction to specialized application

1- Function of several variables 2- Applications of partial differentiation Maxima and Minima for function of several variables, Second Partial test, constrained maxima and minima, differentiation under integral sign 3- Surfaces The cylinder, Quadric surfaces (sphere, ellipsoid, hyperboloid, the cone), Tangent planes and normal lines. 4- Double Integral Definition, evaluation of double integrals, double integral in polar form. 5- Triple Integrals Definition, the cylindrical coordinates(r, q, z), spherical coordinates (p, φ, θ)


Fundamentals of semiconductor devices, P-N Junction diode. bipolar junction and field effect transistors structures; semiconductor devices as circuit elements; fundamentals of filters; power supply and Rectifications: amplifiers; introduction to digital circuits.

Structural Programming
البرمجة الهيكلية

Problem solving and algorithm development. Introduction to elementary data types and related operations and expressions syntax and semantics of high-level language such as C/C++. Built-in functions in the programming language used, operator precedence, assignment statements, input-output statements, Boolean expressions, relational operator, defined functions and procedures, scope and parameter matching, use of arrays and records advanced language features and their application.

Ordinary differential equations Introduction, First order (Speraple DE’s, homogenous, exact, linear, Pernolli), Second order, First degree DE’s, Homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, Non –homogeneous equations with constant coefficients. Matrices Algebra Introduction, Special Matrices, Elementary operation for matrices, properties of determinant, Inverse of Matrices, application of determinant to system (Gramer’s Rule) Applications of matrices algebra Matrix representation of a Linear system, system of a linear equations: Gaussian elimination, system of equation in three variable, Computation of eigen values, Computation of eigen vectors, Digitalization, Matrices of power n.

Data Structures
هياكل البيانات

Built in data structures. Stacks queues, linked lists, and binary search trees. graphs introduction to data abstraction and basic of string processing. recursion, Sorting and searching algorithms and efficiency considerations.

Object Oriented Programming
البرمجة الشيئية

Abstraction & Encapsulation: Defining a class, using a class, private class members, protected class members, public class members, u~iJ1g data members, references & pointer, using member functions, constructors &: restructure, fined classes & functions, class templates. Inheritance: Reusability, single inheritance, seed classes, scope resolution. multiple inheritance. Overloading: functions overloading, overloaded non-member function, overloaded member functions, operator overloading, opertators as function calls, overloaded operator overloading, operators as function calls. overloaded operators as member functiol1s. Polymorphism: Earl &: late binding, virtual functions, function overloading, abstract classes, scope resolution and polymorphism, polymorphism with single inheritance. polymorphism with multiple inheritance. Exception Handling: old ways to handle exceptions, an OOP approach to exceptions, stream, standard stream I/O manipulators, file I/O with streams, in-memory formatting

Logic Design
تصميم منطقي

Basic logic concepts: Logic states, number systems, Boolean algebra, basic logical operations, gates and truth tables. Combinational logic: Minimization techniques, multiplexers and de-multiplexers, encoders, decoders, adders and subtractors, comparators, programmable logic arrays and memories, design with MSI, logic families, tri-state devices. Sequential logic: Flip flops, mono-stable multi-vibrators, latches and registers. , Counters.

Algorithms and Flow Charts
خوارزميات وخرائط التدفق

Algorithm concept: Analysis and complexity. Design methods, divide and conquer, binary search, l~erge sort, ~Ulck sort, selection, matrix multiplication, the greedy method. Dynamic programming: shortest paths, optinonaI search trees. Backtracking NP-hard and NP-complete problems. Flow Charts : Symbols , Applications.

Operating Systems
نظم التشغيل

System components - operating system services virtual machine , _ system design and implementation systems generation -CPU scheduling _ memory management - multiprogramming with fixed and variable partions. Disk scheduling and file systems. Utility programs.

Database System
نظم قواعد البيانات

An overview of data base management: what is a date base system operation data - data independence relational system and other _ An architecture of a data base system: the external level -- the conceptual Ievel - the internal level - mappings the data base management system. Systems catalog implementat.ion, query optimization techniques, and transaction processing. Data base security and authorization. Advanced data modeling. Object oriented data bases and client - server architecture.

File Organization and Processing
تنظيم الملفات ومعالجتها

Overview of files: file design, file manipulation, blocking, single buffering and double buffering. Sequential file, relative file, indexed sequential file, multiple key file, and direct access file. External Sort/Merge algorithms. File systems disk scheduling and accessing modes.

Errors and its Types Enterpolation (Lagrange – Newton method for divided differences – forward and backward Newton method) Numerical solution of Algebric equation : Fixed pont – (Newton-Rafson method)- half point method- Etterated method Numerical Solution for Algebric equation system 1- Jacob Method 2- Gawes – Sydal Method 3- Gawes Elimenation method Approx. Solution for first order differential equation Numerical Differentiation Finding first and second order deivities Numerical Integration Trapezian method Simpson method

Computer organization and Assembly language
تنظيم الحاسبات ولغة التجميع

Computer basic units organization: Memory, control, arithmetic and logic unit. Computer cycles: fetch, indirect addressing, execute, and interrupted. Hard wired verses micro programming control organization. Input Output devices, and interrupt handing. An assembly language is used in the lab; to demonstrate most of the above concepts, as well as develop students skills in Assembly language programming.

Modeling and Simulation
النمذجة والمحاكاة

Fundamentals of computer simulation as a modeling technique are presented. Simulation will be versus mathematical modeling. The value of simulation as an experimental tool to support solving the problem and decission making process . Time management in simulation models (concepts of timiming routines)> Stochastic versus deterministic models. Discrete versus continuous simulstiom.Deterministic fixed time advance simulation.

Software Engineering(1)
هندسة البرمجيات(1)

Overview of software engineering, software requirement: requirement engineering processes, system models, software prototyping. Design: architecture design, distributed system architecture, object oriented design, user interface design.

Systems analysis
تحليل النظم

Managerial and organizational fundamentals, Systems planning, Job description, roles career, skills. ethics, .... etc of modem systems analyst. Information systems building blocks information system developments using CASE tools, Cross life cycle activities, Data modeling. process modeling, Network modeling, object modeling

1 - Basic concepts of probability Random experiment – sample space – events – axioms of probability 2- Conditional probability (Bay’s theorem) 3- Discrete Random variables Random variable – probability functions – Joint probability functions – independence of discrete random variables 4- Continuous random variables Probability functions of continuous random variables – joint probability functions. 5- Exception and variance exception, variance, standard deviation, covariance and correlation. Special probability distributions, Binomial, poisson, Normal, Geometric, Uniform, Gammadistribution

Computer Interfacing
واجهات الحاسبات

Review of Logic design basics (Flip-Flops, decoders, multiplexers, and counters). Opto-couplers and opto-isolators ; Relays and driving circuits; Introduction to stepper I and servo motors; Analog components for computer interfacing ; Signal conditioning ; Memory Read/Write bus cycles ; Input/Output Bus power h racteristics ; Hardware interrupts and interrupt controllers; Direct memory access ressing of memory I/O ; Timers and counters; RS 232 Interface; USB Interface . - - duction to assembly language; Microprocessor basic instruction set.

Information Centers Management
ادارة مراكز المعلومات

Development stages of information centers - Components of: automatic in formation centers - Alternatives 0 f organization 0f information centers. methods of collecting activities and arrangement for center works and its relation with other departments Evaluation of information centers and its developments.

Machine Learning
تعليم الحاسبات

Learning theory, inductive learning, explanation-based learning, analogical reasoning, case-based learning, and connectionist learning.


Syntactical specifications of languages. Lexical analysis. Parsing: top-down parsing, bottom-up parsing, Ll.-parsers, LR-parsers. Semantic analysis. Intermediate code generation. Error detection and error handling.

Project Management
ادارة المشروعات

Evaluation, selection, and organization of technical projects. Concepts of the network¬based project management methodology. Network development. Project planning, scheduling, and control. Project cost management. Resource constrained projects. A case study approach is adopted during the course. Commercial software packages will be used throughout the course. The course will also introduce some contemporary project management subjects such as: e-projects, and Intelligent project management.

Parallel Processing
المعالجة على التوازي

Interconnection networks: parallel computing and networks, direct ~d indirect networks, message switching layer, deadlock and live lock ~d starvation, routing algorithms, collective communication support. Parallel algorithms: BRAM model, basic techniques (balanced tree algorithm, divide and .conquer, prefix computations, pointer jumping, partitioning), list and trees .(list ranking, symmetry breaking, Euler tour techniques), searching, merging, and sorting algorithms.

Computer Network

Introduction - Network structure - Network architecture- theoretical basis for data communication - Elementary data link protocols- carrier sense network - shared memory system - network security and privacy text compression - virtual terminal protocols - file transfer protocols _ distributed computations Network and distributed operating system

Computer Graphics
الرسم بالحاسبات

Overview of graphic systems and interactive devices _ Graphic system software - Drawing elementary figures - display screen viewing _ window to view port mapping - clipping - color - Elementary shading techniques _ two - dimensional geometric transformation - display file segmentation techniques of interaction: input devices - building techniques _ painting _ Animation - three dimensional representation and viewing.

Logic Programming
البرمجة المنطقية

Introduction, to logic programming ill the computer language: prolog. Various examples are used from logic expert systems algebra and automation theory .

Model description – real time system modeling , data modeling – design description – language object oriented design. Functional oriented design – data flow diagram – data dictionaries – Concurrent system desin – User interface design.

Internet Technology
تكنولوجيا الانترنت

Networking essentials, Internet TCP/IP suit, Internet domains, Addressing, Internet infrastructure and infostructare, Internet protocols, Internet hardware components, Internet accessing, Internet and Extranet, Video conferencing over Internet, Mailing Voice over IP' Multimedia communication over Internet, Audio, Video streaming Website design and application.

Virtual Reality
الواقع الافتراضي

Virtual reality and virtual environments - historical developments 0 f virtual reality - three dimensional computer graphics - Geometric modeling _ Geometric transfannation - A generic virtual reality system - Animating the virtual environments - physical simulation - Human features _ Virtual reality hardware - Virtual reality software - Virtual reality application.

Digital Signal Processing
معالجة الإشاراة الرقمية

Review of principles of discrete signals in time and frequency; Transform-domain representations of discrete time sequences ; Fast Fourier transform ; Structural representations of digital filters ; Digital Filter design problems ; Implementation aspect of DSP algorithms; Introduction to filter banks and wavelets; Introduction to spectral estimation; Applications

Selected Topics in Computer Science موضوعات مختارة في علوم الحاسب Topics which are not included in the curriculum and seems to be needed should be suggested as an elective course by CS department.

Artificial Intelligence
الذكاء الاصطناعي

Knowledge Representations: Predicate Calculus, Structured Representations, Network Representations. State Space Search: trees and graphs, heuristic search, model based reasoning, case-based reasoning, reasoning with uncertain or incomplete knowledge. Overview of AI languages, Overview of AI Application Areas.

Network programming
برمجة الشبكات

• Programming for the internet ill the windows system environment using current Microsoft tools including MFC. • Network application design issues within the context of the windows NT/XP/2000-95/98 and me. • Introduction to internet - TCP/IP, UDP and HTTP protocols.

Project This course will continue for two semesters. In the first semester, a group of students will select one of the projects proposed by the department, and analyze the underlying problem. In the second semester, the design and implementation of the project will be conducted. This component is Final Year BSc project, which is essentially an exercise in systematic independent study and work, which must be executed and reported on to a satisfactory standard. The project provides students with the experience of planning and bringing to fruition a major piece of individual or group work. The module aims to encourage and reward creativity, initiative, intellectual discipline, clarity of communicating ideas and application of effort. Group projects also give the students a valuable experience of co- coordinating work with and organising a group that aims at a technical product. A wide range of tasks can be undertaken, but almost always leading to the implementation of an information system, software or other information technology artefact. In some cases, students will do not have the time to produce an industrial-strength application; in these cases, a prototype that is systematically and fully evaluated and documented will be required.

Software Engineering(2)
هندسة البرمجيات(2)

Requirement definition data and function specification modularity _ design - validation - maintenance - documentation - project _ management - quality - assurances and case tools

Introduction to Decision Support and Systems
مقدمة في نظم دعم القرار

The course will introduce the principles of problem identification and definition, model formulation, solution approaches, analysis and implementation. Well known OR areas such as linear programming, integer programming, networks, project management and simulation models are presented. The solution approaches of these models with the help of relevant software packages will be covered. The course includes the ability to interpret the results of the above models and an understanding of their advantages and limitations. The DSS part of the course contains an introduction to concepts and methods of DSS and the Components of a computer ¬based DSS. Additionally the course introduces principles of computer modeling languages, applications and use of integrated software packages, such as QSB.

Introduction to speech production, general properties of speech signal, Time domain processing of speech, Frequency domain processing of speech. , Linear prediction analysis , Ceptral analysis , Feature extraction for speech processing , Introduction to statistical speech recognition , Introduction to speech coding.

Project This course will continue for two semesters. In the first semester, a group of students will select one of the projects proposed by the department, and analyze the underlying problem. In the second semester, the design and implementation of the project will be conducted. This component is Final Year BSc project, which is essentially an exercise in systematic independent study and work, which must be executed and reported on to a satisfactory standard. The project provides students with the experience of planning and bringing to fruition a major piece of individual or group work. The module aims to encourage and reward creativity, initiative, intellectual discipline, clarity of communicating ideas and application of effort. Group projects also give the students a valuable experience of co- coordinating work with and organising a group that aims at a technical product. A wide range of tasks can be undertaken, but almost always leading to the implementation of an information system, software or other information technology artefact. In some cases, students will do not have the time to produce an industrial-strength application; in these cases, a prototype that is systematically and fully evaluated and documented will be required.

الوسائط المتعددة

Introduction to Multimedia systems; Digital Audio; Digital Video; Lossy and lossless data compression ; Predictive Coding techniques ; Transform coding techniques; Scalar and vector quantization ; Entropy Encoding ; Huffman coding ; Arithmetic , Coding ; Adaptive techniques ; Dictionary based coding (LZ77 - LZ78 - LZW); JPEG compression ; Motion estimation and compensation in video ; MPEG compression ; Wavelet coding ; Introduction to multimedia Database; Network considerations for multimedia transmission

Expert System
النظم الخبيرة

Knowledge based expert systems - the production system as a processing model - varieties of knowledge - the nature of expert of expertise _ strategies for representing knowledge - building a small knowledge system: the role of small systems building system - building a small expert system - how large knowledge systems are developed - development of a complete expert system - evaluation - integration and maintenance of the systems.

Concepts of Programming Languages

Describing syntax and semantics. Identifiers: names, binding, type checking, and scopes. Data types, subprograms and their implementation, concurrency, programming paradigms such as declarative programming, object oriented programming and component programming, parallel and distributed programming.

Knowledge-Based Systems
نظم قواعد المعرفة

Introduction to knowledge based systems. Knowledge representation principles and techniques. Knowledge acquisition , Practical problem solving, uncertainty in knowledge . Knowledge based systems development methodologies and tools.

Information and Computer Networks Security
أمن الشبكات والمعلومات

Basic concepts of information and network security; Classical encryption techniques; Modem black ciphers and the data encryption standards; Block cipher cryptanalysis and .usage ; Modem stream ciphers; Number theory; Public key cryptography; Key certificates and management ; Message authentication and hash functions . Hash algorithm~; Digital signature and authentication protocols; Electronic mail security ; IP security ; Web. security ; Firewalls ; Introduction to digital steganography an watermarking techniques.

Computer Arabization
تعريب الحاسبات

Basic Envirnments , the operating system services and interrupts, the BIOS services , how to modify or extend them. Arabic character design and installation . Arabic code pages and the effect on text and' database processing . The Importance of standards and compatIbility. Keyboard Arabization. Screen Arabization : Arabic character context analysis , etc. Printer Arabization : Arabic font design of Arabic word processing . Arabization of programming languages.